India HUGGIES Design & Color Schematic Plan

India HUGGIES Value Tier Package Design 

Background & Key Issues

In India, due to the still prevalent income gap, many people still use a traditional form of diapers called "jedi." Combined with this, Huggies had a rather low brand awareness then other competing modern diaper products. To combat this, Kimberly-Clark India sought to strengthen their brand positioning by creating an affordable diaper that offers a convenient to use, per package quantity that wasn't previously available. 


India  HUGGIES Design & Color Schematic Plan Report

Approach & Solution

We conducted research and consumer research in various aspects including package shape, design, and color. The design also minimized production costs to ensure the affordability of the end product. Based on research collected a portable package was created. Recently, design guidelines for this product have been set as global guidelines for low-end products worldwide.   



Main Task 

Huggies Pants Package Design & Strategy / Package Color & Design Schematic Plan 



Process & Methodology 

Research > Analysis  > Design > Deliver 



Final Deliverables 

Huggies Pants Package Design (Manufacturing Data)

Package Color & Design Schematic Report  ​

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