Innovation Design
The one who innovates first leads the world.

Innovation starts from good ideas, but a good idea alone cannot create innovation.
The process to cultivate innovation is not, by any means, easy.

The true innovation includes not only the process of putting vague ideas into specific concepts and sketching, but also the
process of developing and implementing them into reality. Innovation is also a process of analyzing the existing products and improving them, instead of coming up with new things. Sometimes, the innovation exceeds the scope of one specific product/service and become a unique business.


NPD Development
Perception supports new product development from coming up with product concept & sketches to translating into reality. Also, Perception conducts research on forecasting leading design trends in each field.
Process Improvement
Perception helps clients create innovation through improving existing process. By using various methodology based on user experience (UX), Perception analyzes current process and offers the optimal solution.
New Business Acceleration
Perception supports competence in new business development in various ways such as business modeling, proposal writing, and app / web design and development.
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