[What's the Problem?] Are Vehicle Message Stickers Functioning Properly?

Are stickers on cars, which alert other drivers to be careful, functioning properly?





What are the purposes of the messages?

Is it for the viewer of the message or the or person who places the sticker in the first place?

Why put a sticker when it doesn’t look good?

How long should one keep the “beginner” status?

If it's a sticker regarding a pregnant driver, should the sticker be removed after the birth of the child?

What does the driver think of the message?


After interviewing some of the individuals who have experience with these stickers, here are some of the responses: 


People who place the sticker:


“It’s my first time driving, so I get nervous a lot on the road. I’m afraid this will affect other drivers. I put the sticker on as a means of asking for the other drivers’ understanding.


“I drive more slowly and carefully when my child is in the car. Especially since my child is young, I don't want my child to be startled by the sound of a car horn. That’s why I put the sticker.”


“I just wanted to add a fun message. There are so many drivers who curse and scream. I don't want that.”


Viewers of the sticker:


“I’ve had times like that before. I fully understand and respect those circumstances.”


“I understand if you are driving carefully with those stickers, but I get upset when a driver with those stickers drives recklessly.”


“There are times when those messages don’t match the driving style of the car they are one. I get angry when that happens.” 



Let's look at why this messages were made in the first place.


In 1894, a baby good company made the first "Baby on board" message to alert other drivers of the child on board in case of an emergency. In 1995 the Korean government required new drivers to put a sticker on there care stating "New Driver." However, that law was abolished less than five years after its initial implementation.


These observations show us that there are many different possible motivations for the use of the sticker, some of which aren't using the messaging for its honest function. Someone might have thought carefully before putting the sticker on their car, while some may just want to use it to drive however they want without any I'll-feelings from other drivers. That leaves the question, is the sticker meant to invoke care, respect, and understanding, or has the abuse of the sticker created an innate dislike for the sticker? Is the sticker serving its purpose?

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