Taiwan HUGGIES Design & Color Schematic Plan


Taiwan HUGGIES Premium Package Design 



Background & Key Issues

'In light of market shares of Huggies diapers being sold in Taiwan decreasing in comparison to competing products, Kimberly-Clark of Taiwan decided to launch a new premium diaper product to tap into a higher-end market. This required a new premium packaging and a step-by-step design strategy that would be renewed or launched in the future. We also wanted to develop a unique color brand system that would make the product stand out on the shelves.  


Taiwan HUGGIES Design & Color Schematic Plan Report




Approach & Solution 

Before developing a premium package design, we conducted a consumer survey on brand color. Combining this with research on the main colors of Huggies Taiwan's most popular line, purple was decided as the main color for the new premium product. Through a creative workshop, we organized a hierarchy of information delivered by diaper packages currently being sold and analyzed the design features of premium products by dividing them into the individual design elements. Using the results of these researches, a package design was created with special focus on the use of color in this marketing communication.   



Main Task 

Huggies Premium Diaper Package Design & Strategy

Package Color & Design Schematic Plan  



Process & Methodology 

Research > Analysis  > Design > Deliver 



Final Deliverables 

Huggies Premium Diaper Package Design (Manufacturing Data) 

Package Color & Design Schematic Report  


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