Kamtae Package Design

Background & Key Issues

Badasoop was created in 1984, when kamtae (sweet laver) was unfamiliar to the public, and is the only company with a patent for manufacturing kamtae. As public awareness of kamtae began to increase, along with a rise in sales, Badasoop needed to establish a brand image. Kamtae, which will only grow in clean mud flats, can only be found in certain parts of Tae-an and Seosan of South Chungcheong Province in the cold winter season between December and March. Despite the fact that kamtae is very rare and that every step of the harvesting must be done manually, its brand awareness is low, and there are some great difficulties in the packaging operations. We needed to create a premium package that fit the image of the product, which is sold as a luxury gift, but we also needed a package design that was easy to use considering the manual nature of the product packaging system.  



Approach & Solution 

First we conducted interviews with the stakeholders to create a brand story. We created a concept for the brand drawing on the key brand values and developed a package design structured to meet all the processing requirements and regulations, while presenting an affordable and yet premium image.   



Main Task 

Badasoop Brand Package Design Renewal 



Process & Methodology 

Research > Analysis > Design > Deliver 







Final Deliverables

Badasoop Brand Package Design   








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