AQ Tap Play Brand Design

Background & Key Issues

AQ Corporation, which possesses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology as its key capability, needed an overall consultation regarding the BI and the naming of the newly launched NFC services. Despite their high-class technology, the company had no experience with systematic branding. Compared to the completeness of the NFC technology, the quality of the domestic service was poor, which is why it was important to study the relevant global services first, in order to initiate the project. 



Approach & Solution 

Because there are few services related to NFC, we first studied the key points of the NFC technology and the range of its usage, and carried out prior research on diverse communication methods centering on smartphones, as well as other relevant services. Furthermore, with regard to the naming of the service, we initiated a systematic naming process through interviews with clients and workshops with naming methodologies applied. After the naming process had progressed, we proposed a direction for the overall BI based on the font design.   



Main Task 

Develop the overall brand of the newly launching NFC services from the AQ Corporation  



Process & Methodology 

Discover > Diagnosis > Develop > Deliver 

Customer Journey Map  


Rolling sheet 

Brain writing 




Final Deliverables 

'Tapplay' BI guideline 

Application guideline 

Website guideline 

Branding report 




As we conducted the design consultation for the company's own technology, we shared with our clients the fact that the design is an essential part and not an option for the growth of a company regardless of its business type. We then initiated the project through a partnership, thus bringing outcomes that were satisfactory for both companies.








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